About us
What is ASI?
ASI is an association of Seventh-day Adventists who are passionate about the mission of their church and implement it in their free time, work, charity or business. We maintain a lifestyle that is centered on Jesus Christ and is therefore noticeable not only in the church but also in the busy everyday life. “Proclaiming Christ in the marketplace of life” is our motto.

See a thriving network of corporations and lay missionaries preaching Christ in the Swiss marketplace.

Inspiring and training young people and adults to pass on God’s love through Christ’s method and end-time strategy.
The origins of ASI lie in Madison College, which was founded by Dr. E.A. Sutherland and Percy Magan under the tutelage of Ellen White. The self-supporting school was founded in 1904 near Nashville, Tennessee. Although initially struggling to survive, it wasn’t long before she grew and began “planting” daughter schools and institutions across the United States. Part of the atmosphere of this thriving organization was the annual meetings that brought all the facilities together.
Then, in March 1947, the Confederation of Adventist Self-Sustaining Institutions (ASI) was formed in Cincinnati, Ohio with 25 self-sustaining institutions.
In 1975, as entrepreneurs and professionals were added, the name was changed to Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries.
In 1983 the spark jumped to Europe when the first ASI association outside of North America was founded in Great Britain. From there, ASI spread throughout Europe. The individual state associations are autonomous and independent of each other. In order to be better connected again, ASI Europe was founded in 1998. Today, ASI is represented in most European countries.
ASI worldwide
Independent and yet united
ASI associations are self-contained organizations and act independently.
Yet they are united under the motto: “Preaching Christ in the marketplace of life.”
In this sense, there are national and continental umbrella organizations.
ASI Europe unites 18 national associations, as well as an area of three divisions and practically 52 European countries. The big challenge is the communication in the many languages. However, the interest and the will to do something for the neighbor knows no borders and no language barriers.
North America
ASI North America unites the United States and Canada. It is the oldest umbrella organization and for many the great role model. The annual ASI conferences are impressive and bubble with creativity and innovation.
In Central America and the Caribbean, ASI is characterized by the strong dynamism of its Inter-American members. Everything is much more alive there, much larger and … just much more dynamic.
Southern Africa
ASI is also active in southern Africa and the Indian Ocean. In this part of the world, ASI is particularly active in providing worship houses to the rapidly growing congregations.
Board of Directors

Dominik Ritler, Lenzburg

Emilia Kanev, Heerbrugg
[email protected]

Cecilia Feldkircher, Colonges sous Saleve

Jakob Wieck, Hettenschwil
[email protected]

Raymond Schwyter, Lommis

Tanja von Seeler, Brissago
[email protected]

Friedrich Bohl, Oberbipp
[email protected]