ASI Summer Seminar 2025 with Prof. Dr. Walter Veith Twitter Information for the person who registers First name * E-mail address * Phone number * Last name * Full address * How many are coming with you? (You can register them in the following fields) Number of adults (besides you) * Number of chilren Accommodation [apartments are limited] Apartment for two persons and two nights without breakfast. (CHF 401.20 per apartment) [apartments are limited] * Three-bed apartments for three persons and two nights without breakfast. (CHF 495.80 per apartment) [apartments are limited] * Tickets for the seminar Number of tickets for the entire seminar - for all days (CHF 20.- per person) * Number of tickets for the seminar on Thursday: (CHF 10.- per person) * Number of tickets for the seminar on Friday: (CHF 10.- per person) * Seminar on Sabbath: free admission Children up to 16 years and visitors (people who are not SDA): free admission every day Translation The seminar will be in German with English translation. I need an additional translation in: French Italian Important information Registration deadline: July 15, 2025. Guests who wish to stay overnight until Sunday, July 27th please register by mail. For further accommodation options or hotels incl. breakfast please contact us by mail. Lunch: Everyone brings their own picnic. Total amount Total amount: CHF I Understand I understand that the registration is complete as soon as payment has been made and is non-refundable.